Desi food blast | JILAPI as a traditional food | Most popular street fo...

Jilapi | Jalebi

Jilapi known as Jalebi, zulbia, zalabia or mushabak, whatever it is the popular food as a dessert in Asian countries, mostly in sub-continent. It is testy to eat when it is hot. It is also known as street food. Restaurant also produce this kind of foods to serve the customers. Anyway , Main ingredients of Jilapi are :

1.     Flour (moida called in sub-continent )

2.     Sugar.

3.     Saffron.

4.     Ghee or oil.

5.     Water as usual.


To make jilapi you have to follow three steps first you have to make the jilapi dough, then you have to fry it in certain heat, then frying jilapi have to keep in SHIRKA for five minutes to make it real test of JILAPI.

       Measurement ratio of making dough :

           For {500grms} bread flour : ( to make jilapi dough )

1.     Salt ( 5 tea spoon )

2.     Sugar ( 10  tea spoon )

3.     Yeast ( 3.5g)

4.     olive oilor ghee or soya bin oil (one cup)

5.     Lukewarm water ( 1000ml )

6.     Baking powder : 50 grms

7.      Two egg . (if you want)


Remember that the dough will not be more hard or more liquid you can add ingredients to make it perfect liquid.


After making the dough have to take the dough in a holed cloth. The art of JILAPI has to make in the oil pan when the dough will come out from the cloth with the hole. The JILAPI have to fry in certain heat, in slight heat until its color would be brownish. After frying the JILAPI you have to put the JILAPI in vinegar named SHIRKA.


How to make Shirka

To make JILAPI shirka you need only water and sugar. You can add Cinnamons, Bay leaves, Cardamom to increase its test. At first you have to add sugar in water. For one liter water you will need half kg sugar. After mixing the sugar and other ingredients you to boil for sometime. Boil until the water will be dense. The liquid not to be very hard or not to be very dilute. After frying the jilapi you have to put the JILAPI in this water. After five minutes the JILAPI will be ready to take.


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