health benefits of fish

Fish is called omega -3 acids and many kinds of vitamins. Fish is rich in phosphorus and calcium and many source of minnerals such as iron, zinc, iodine potassium. for a healthy diet you need to take fish at least minimum three times in a week. 

Health benefits of fish.

1. Fish is safer food than other foods of the world to avoid any kind of like it workes for herat. it lowers risk of heart diseses.

2. Fish works for your mind refreshes and lowe symptoms of depression.

3. Fish helps to improve vision and eye health. some kind of fishes as like mola fish or other kinds of small fishes are good for the eye.

4. For your better sleep you can take more and more fish in your meal. in this case you can take the sea fish much.

5. Fish prevents your acnre problem.

6. Fish is helpful in Alleviating Rheumatoid Arthritis.

7. If you are already in high bad cholesterol, you can take more fish in your meal to reduce the bad cholesterol and besides you can get good cholesterol  from the fish.

8. blood pressure and Strokes is the common problem now in the world. we can reduce the strokes and high blood pressure patient by starting the taking of fish in our daily meal. we have to avoid red meat.

9. Cancer is the untreatable disease in many cases. we can get rid of from this disease by taking some kind of fishes in our daily meal. 

10. For the liver diseases patients doctors suggest some kinds of fish as like Salmon, Tuna, Sardins etc.

Fish is a recognized food element in the world. It supplies vitamin and nutrition for the mankind. Fish is the most popular element in the daily food chart. Fish is produced in two ways, naturally and farming. Naturally produced fishes are highly source of nutrition and vitamin and minerals. Most of the sea food comes from sea fish. However this blog shows about the fresh water fish. 

There are some types of producing of freshwater fish in the world, as like pond, tank, aquarium firming. Top ten freshwater fishes are 1.Sturgeon fish 2.shubkin fish 3.pumpkinseed 4.koi fish 5.ide 6.goldfish 7.golden tench 8.golden rudd 9.fathead minnow 10.algae eater. 

Foods for fishes

Many fresh water fishes survive with live foods. in early days this kind of foods  were only choice to provide this kind of fishes. But some fishes survive without live foods, but they are not popular species in the hobby. Many available refrigerated foods also good for invertebrates which are provided by some manufacture companies to fill the proper nutrition and makes the fish correct size. We are using some floating feeds to make the fishes sound and healthy. In this case you can see that your fish are getting fair shape. Floating foods are used in a sack openly. Fishes comes to take the foods when they need. Some fishes like Coral, phytoplankton clams are particularly take this kind of food. Manufacturers try to cover both kind of food, floating food, and bottom food. This kind of food can be used in for aquarium and tank fish firming. However there are lots of feed processing system are used all over the world. And now a days we are getting support from the manufacturer companies to feed the fishes. And we can make fill our nutrition demand from the fish side.


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